Carl Padgett - VDS Claims Consultant

Carl Padgett - VDS Claims Consultant

It was with profound sadness that we learned of the death of our dear friend and colleague Carl Padgett, on Friday 31 March following a short illness.

‘Padge’, as he was widely and so fondly known, had a distinguished career. Having rooted in private practice amongst the farming community of his native Lancashire, he branched out to influence a much wider sphere of the UK agricultural and veterinary landscape, not least through terms of presidential service for both the BCVA and the BVA. He became a VDS Claims Consultant in 2013.

The ‘duty to serve’ was indeed a hallmark of Padge’s approach to work and was one of the qualities that made him a Claims Consultant par excellence. He delivered his holistic packages of wise counsel, logical analysis, principled advocacy, and emotional support to literally hundreds of members, just when they needed him most, a safety belt against the buffeting turbulence of complaint or claim. 

Carl Padgett, 1965-2023

Preparing undergraduates for the challenges of the real world in practice was another cause close to Padge’s generous heart and he was reliably first in the queue volunteering to further VDS’ educational endeavours. Nobody could ever question Padge’s street cred, but least of all when fine summer weather enabled him to arrive at campus in full biking leathers astride his throaty Kawasaki!

The countless extra miles Padge went in the assistance of others were never regarded by him as ‘extra’; therein will rest his legacy. We know a common sense of loss and mourning will be shared deep and long through the whole VDS membership, well beyond the circle of Padge’s work compadres. None of that, of course, will compare to the grief of Jules, Rose and his parents, members of a family so cherished by him, and who are constantly in all our thoughts at this time. We shall be providing to them whatever support lies within our gift.

Cheers to you Padge; flick the throttle and enjoy the spin. 

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